Representasi Male Gaze Pada Film “Open Bo The Series” (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes)
Representation, Male Gaze, Objectification of Womens, SemioticsAbstract
Movies with the theme of sexual objectification of women have become a depiction of reality in society, one of which is the movie “Open BO”. Although from the beginning it was often assumed to be negative, the film is considered to be full of inspiring positive messages that reflect the reality that occurs from various sides of life, so it does not focus on the prostitution side alone, but various emotional, social and economic sides. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the representation of mallel gaze in the film “Open BO” which is studied using the Roland Barthes semiotic model. This research method uses the Roland Barthes semiotic method with a qualitative approach through data collection in the form of literature study and documentation. The results showed that the representation of male gaze towards women in the movie “Open BO” is very dominant. Supported by cinematic techniques that show the representation and position of women. There is a strong patriarchal role in the production of the film “Open BO” as a commodity in capitalism. In addition, besides strengthening the stigma that women who become prostitutes are women who only accentuate their beauty and body because of economic needs, it is also a form of a mother's struggle for recognition and emotional complexity as the breadwinner of the family. In the role of the traditional male exhibitionist world, women are simultaneously presented for viewing and display, with their visual appearance and strong erotic impact, women are connoted with something “to be looked at to fulfill male curiosity”.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Faiz Syahbana, Ririn Puspita (Author)

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