Analisis Resepsi Perempuan Terhadap Video “Kalau Cewek Mah Bebas: Cara Jawab Kalau Ditanya Kapan Nikah”
Reception, Analysis, Youtube Video, Women, Wedding, OptionsAbstract
choice to marry in unmarried women of marriageable age. The method used in this research is a qualitative method by carrying out Stuart Hall's Reception Analysis theory which aims to find out the audience's meaning of the point of view on the choice of marriage in unmarried marriageable women in the video "If Girls Are Free: How to Answer When Asked When to Get Married" on the Narasi TV Youtube channel. The approach is taken to explore, know and understand the variations in audience meaning in interpreting a show that carries a fairly sensitive theme as a matter of public discussion. Research data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with a number of informants who met the research qualifications as secondary data and library collection through journal sources and related books as primary data. Through this research, the results found 3 informants in the position of Dominant Hegemony and 3 informants. on the position of Negotiation. There were no informants in the Opposition. In the position of Dominant Hegemony, informants fully interpret media messages that adequately represent the opinions of Indonesian women in responses to the issue of marriage as a real picture. In the negotiation position, informants only interpret part of it because they feel that media messages are not sufficiently represented and are not supported by data. These findings provide a deeper picture of how Indonesian women view the concept of marriage and their understanding of marriage culture in Indonesia in the future.
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