Evaluasi Kebijakan Terhadap Peraturan Daerah Nomor 8 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pengendalian Minuman Beralkohol Di Kabupaten Merauke
Public Service Population, Administration Management, Office of Population and Civil RegistrationAbstract
The The aim of this research was to evaluate the standards of public service in the management of population administration at the Office of Population and Civil Registration in Asmat Regency. The research was conducted by involving informants as respondents to provide assessments on various aspects of the service. The results of the research showed that the standards of public service in the management of population administration at the Office of Population and Civil Registration in Asmat Regency have met the established criteria. However, the research also identified several aspects that still need improvement to enhance the quality of service. The assessment of service standards involved several indicators, including service procedures, required administrative requirements, service processes/flows, and simplicity of service procedures. Overall, these indicators were considered satisfactory by the informants. The service time and timeliness of service completion were in accordance with the established standards, where the management of population administration was completed within one day if the applicants met the requirements. The service was considered fast and accurate by the informants. In terms of service costs, the clarity of service fees at the Office of Population and Civil Registration in Asmat Regency was considered good, as there were no unauthorized charges, and the officials provided services without requesting additional fees. Furthermore, the service personnel were also evaluated as being professional in serving service users regardless of their social status or position. The orderly process of service demonstrated compliance with the legal basis of the service. Although the facilities and infrastructure at the Office of Population and Civil Registration in Asmat Regency were generally considered satisfactory, there were some shortcomings, such as a lack of sufficient fans and seating. Therefore, there is a need to improve the facilities used in providing services to the community. In conclusion, this research indicates that although the standards of population administration service at the Office of Population and Civil Registration in Asmat Regency meet the criteria, there are still some aspects that need to be improved. The research recommendations include improving facilities and infrastructure, enhancing facilities, and paying more attention to important details in population administration services to enhance the quality and satisfaction of service users.
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